How to Embrace Your Morning Challenge to Effectively Reduce Fat
Yes, I have to admit it too.  As we get more ‘chronologically challenged’, it becomes increasingly more difficult to put exercise as a priority in our everyday to-do list. However, we must resist the temptation to put on the back-burner behind work, taking care of family, errands, and other pressing tasks.  This is a common struggle that needs to be overcome.  It takes twice the effort, with fewer ‘cheat’ days, for half the conditioning – but if you want to see the RESULTS, you’re required to accept the discipline and get it done! As people age get more experienced, the body begins to slow down and muscle mass starts to decrease.  Statistically, adults over the age of 40 lose about 3-5% of muscle mass with each subsequent decade of life.  Muscles are crucial in keeping bones strong and balanced.  Without muscle strength, a person’s mobility and flexibility could will be compromised. So, it is essential for exercise to become a priority for people as they get older more experienced.  Key benefits include a healthier heart, reduced risk of chronic diseases, lowers the chance of injury, improves one’s mood, and helps with one’s cognitive function. Incorporate Exercise into Your Everyday Routine It’s essential to understand that in order to be ‘fit’ and matriculate (age) gracefully, it is required that you remember the essential ‘strategic triad’ of fitness – flexibility, strength, and endurance.  You must resist the temptation do just do the one thing that we ‘like’ to do and expect that to suffice.  For example, weight-lifters are strong, but not very flexible or aerobically fit (endurance); runners have great cardio, but aren’t necessarily very flexible or winning any strength contests; Yoga is terrific for flexibility, but not particularly as wonderful for strength and endurance, unless you’re the instructor. Keep Your Metabolism Robustly Active A strong metabolism doesn’t only help burn more calories in your body, it also helps give you more energy.   Your question is – how to make that happen on a consistent basis. One specific exercise regime that’s known to be effective in building your metabolic rate is called high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE) as it’s alternatively known. HIIT involves intense bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by varied periods of low-intensity active rest, or complete rest.  It’s effective in reducing body fat while also significantly lowers insulin resistance.  Below are examples of how you can do HIIT in 20 minutes or less.  Remember, be consistent, focus on doing what’s challenging for your level, and it’s okay to have fun while being intense. 1. Jumping jacks  Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides.  Jump your feet out while raising your arms.  Repeat this as fast as possible.  If it’s too difficult, modify by stepping side to side while raising your arms instead.  Try hard to stay on rhythm, because this helps prevent injury 2. Sumo squats  Position your feet farther than hip-width and point your toes out at a 45-degree angle.  While keeping your weight in your heels, back flat, and chest upright, lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor.  Lower is okay, as long as you’re not hurting your knees.  Engage your glutes and quads and push back to the start position.  Then repeat. Do these two exercises in 3 rounds, 20 seconds work, and 10 seconds rest. Protect Your Back Your back gives you the ability to bend and twist.  If your spine, gets injured, it can greatly deteriorate your quality of life and you won’t be able to enjoy many activities you love.   It’s important to protect your back so your mobility doesn’t get affected and you lessen your chances of injury. Exercising your core muscles provides support for your back.  These are a couple of exercises you can do that work to accomplish that task. 3. Standard Plank  The plank helps not only with core conditioning but it also works your glutes and hamstrings, supports proper posture, and improves balance.  To execute, hold your elbows directly under your shoulders and place your wrists in line with your elbows. Then push your body up into your upper back so that you’re parallel to the ground, and hold a plank at least 20 to 30 seconds.  Rest for approximately one minute and repeat 3-5 more times. 4. Bicycle Kick Crunches  This exercise targets your oblique and lower abdominals.  Lie on your back with your legs extended and hands folded across your chest.  Pull right knee in toward your chest while twisting your left shoulder toward the right knee.  Return to starting position and repeat with the other knee and shoulder.  It’s important to do this with control.  Don’t ‘flail’, just to ‘gut it out and get through it’, or you won’t get proper results. Do 12 repetitions for 3 sets. Protect Your Joints Joint pain relief workouts help and even avoid joint problems that have been worsening for years by strengthening key supportive muscles and restoring flexibility.  When practiced consistently over time, you will notice that the limitations you’ve learned to work around begin to ease. 5. Swimming  Swimming is a great aerobic workout that helps stretch your muscles and soothe your joints.  Women especially, however, need to remember that if you swim in cold water, your body will develop a subcutaneous layer of fat (e.g. even female Olympic swimmers don’t look ‘cut’) for insulation.  It also helps control weight, boost mood, improve sleep, and it’s good for overall health.  Do any aerobic exercise such as walking, swimming or biking three to five times a week for 30 to 60 minutes per session. 6. Cycling If you want to stay dry, cycling is a fantastic option and it’s easy on the joints, too. With similar benefits to swimming, cycling can help reduce your risk of stroke, heart attack, obesity, depression, and arthritis.  Whether you go out for a bike ride or stay home on a stationary one, as little as 20 minutes of cycling can make a huge difference.  Remember that walking and cycling require twice as much time for the same result benefit as running, so plan for that, or be very aggressive while walking or cycling to get the same results.  You’ll begin to notice increased joint mobility and bone and muscle strength. Minimize Sarcopenia (Muscle Loss with Age) Most adults reach their best muscle mass at age 30 to 40 and after that, it starts to lessen.  This age-related loss of muscle mass, strength and function is known as sarcopenia.  To help decrease frailty and improve muscle strength, incorporate resistance exercise (weight lifting) a minimum of 3 to 5 times per week in your regular routine. 7. Lying Hip Bridges  This exercise works your largest muscle group, your glutes while also opening up the hips.  To execute, lie flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.  Flatten your lower back against the floor, squeeze your glutes and push your hips up into the air.  Pause, then slowly lower to start.  Do this exercise 12 times for 3 sets.  Challenging – yes, but it helps prevent things like incontinence, and enables you to maintain an active and vibrant experience in the bedroom. 8. Squats to Chair  Squats help strengthen your entire lower body and core. To perform, stand with your feet hip-width apart with your back facing the chair.  Keeping your chest upright, push your hips back and bend your knees to lower your body to either touch your butt to their chair or sit down fully.  Then, push your feet and squeeze your glutes to return to the starting position.  Repeat this exercise 10 times for 3 sets. Boost Your Heart Health The more you exercise your heart muscle, the stronger and healthier it gets.  People who don’t exercise are almost twice as likely to get heart disease compared to people who live an active lifestyle. You can choose any activity you enjoy doing like walking, running, or cycling.  The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that for moderate intensity, you can do cardio for 30 minutes, 5 days a week.  If you prefer lower intensity, do cardio for 20 minutes, 5 days per week. Defeat Stress (the silent killer) Exercise is not only good for your body but also for your mental health.  It produces endorphins, which are chemicals in your brain that are natural painkillers for reducing stress and improving sleep.  In addition, exercise has been found to decrease levels of tension, elevate mood, and improve self-esteem.  Rather than STRESS over whether you can find the time in your schedule to exercise – Just Do It! It’s just as important as the daily personal hygiene activities – washing, brushing, etc., that you wouldn’t dream of skipping. Yoga is one form of exercise that combines physical poses, controlled breathing, and meditation or relaxation.  Here are a couple of yoga poses you can do at home.  9. Warrior  Stand with legs 3 to 4 feet apart, turning your right foot out 90 degrees and your left foot in slightly.  Bring your hands to your hips and relax your shoulder.  Then, extend your arms out to the sides with your palms facing down.  Bend your right knee to 90 degrees, keeping your knee in line with your ankle.  Stay for 1 minute, and then switch to the other side. 10. Cobra  Lie face down on the floor with your thumbs directly under your shoulder, legs extended with your toes flat on the floor.  Tighten your pelvic floor and tuck your hips downward as you squeeze your glutes.  Then press your shoulders down and away from your ears.  Push through your thumbs and index finger as you raise your chest.  Hold that position for 1 minute and then relax and repeat. Your Personal Fitness Challenge Everyone has different schedules, so the best time to do this will be completely up to you.  We suggest doing them in the morning because it helps with waking up and getting loose for the day.  If you can incorporate a 10-minute workout into your morning routine, another 10-minute midday or evening workout will get you into shape even faster.  But always remember that it’s Very Important to Do It, And Be Consistent! Continue to Challenge Yourself to Improve “Your Reach Should Always Exceed Your Grasp.”
  • Try to defy the odds and do what’s best for you. A better you is waiting at the end of all your workouts.
  • Keep track (journal, diary, etc.) of your progress, and accomplishments.  You’re only competing against yourself, so be the Best You, that you can be – and remember to enjoy the journey and have fun!
Conclusion Regardless of your age, it’s never too late to start exercising.  Try your best to incorporate physical activity into your daily life even if it’s just for 20 minutes a day. If you find yourself struggling with any of the health concerns above, follow the recommended exercises and you’ll likely see an improvement in your health and mobility once you keep at it for at least three weeks – then make it a permanent part of your routine.